GETTING HERE: yes, we kind of live in the middle of nowhere (but at least it's beautiful, right?)
- San Luis Obispo (SBP; same area as venue) - LAX (2.5 hours from our home; about 3 hours from the venue) - Santa Barbara Airport (SBA; 1 hour from our home, 1h40m from the venue) - Santa Maria Airport (SMX; 5 mins from our home; 40 mins from venue)
Our Home 4949 Crestwood Ct. Orcutt, CA 93455
Waller Park 3107 Orcutt Rd, Orcutt, CA 93455
Party Venue (40 minutes from our home) The Penny 664 Marsh St, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
WHAT TO WEAR/MOOD BOARDS you know me, I like to dress up!